Finding my journalism niche

Chip Oglesby bio photo By Chip Oglesby

Year in Review

Ok, it’s time to get serious about this site, no really!

Starting next week I’ll be doing a weekly column every Friday called online tools for small news organizations.

Since I’ve worked in small and medium sized newspapers my whole life, this is the market that I know best. I also know online journalism tools pretty well. I’m also fed up with crappy news sites that just don’t work.

So I’m going to give back to society and do my civic good. I’m going to share everything that I know with you.

This will serve as an online repository for all my collective knowledge. I’m going to help you build and produce a better online news site with a small or limited budget.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a small daily, weekly or even a nonprofit, this will help you improve your online presence.

Next week’s post will focus on building a content management system through Wordpress.